Monday, June 23, 2008


Hurray! Last week, Matthias finally rode his bike all by himself,
and Bethany learned to tie a bow!

The kids are all learning and growing so fast suddenly! Carrie Ann is starting to use small sentences ("I want up" instead of "up" for example), and loves learning new words. This morning she woke up, pointed out the window, and said, "Boe-ta-bite". Any guesses? I thought Motorbike, because that sounds like "moe-ta-bite", but she said, "uh-uh." Hmmm... Then I remembered her pointing to a bug and saying the same word yesterday, and guessed, "Mosquito bite?" "Yeah-yeah-yeah! 'Tias!" In other words, "Yes! Matthias has lots of mosquito bites!" Where does she get these things from? Matthias does have lots of mosquito bites, but what did she see out the window that made her think of that? Lots of fun! Telepathy does exist--every mother uses it to talk with her toddler!

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